
Covid medical hospital don’t vax mask what’s happening now



The first measures of the Meloni government on the Covid pandemic arouse controversy. The new Minister of Health, Orazio Schillaci, wants to reinstate unvaccinated doctors in hospital and remove fines for unvaccinated over 50s.

“The reintegration of health personnel not vaccinated against Covid-19 and the ‘amnesties’ for non-vaccines represent an anti-scientific and deseducative amnesty” attacks the president of the Gimbe Foundation, Nino Cartabellotta. The proposal of the Mef (Ministry of Economy and Finance) to suspend until June 30, 2023 the fines for those over 50 who have not complied with the vaccination obligation is “irrelevant from a point of view. health view”. But at the same time “unscientific and strongly deseducating. Since it extends the culture of amnesty also to provisions that aim to protect public health. »

Photo Ansa / Giuseppe Lami

“There is an amnesty on the fight against Covid”

“The slogan ‘discontinuity’ – explains Cartabellotta in a note – is absolutely legitimate in a democratic republic. But it must be used to improve everything that the previous government did not do. From more analytical collection of data on hospitalized patients to investments in aeration and ventilation systems for closed rooms. And from the acceleration of coverage with booster shots, to the implementation of rigorous therapeutic protocols for people at risk. “For the moment, however – continues the president of the Gimbe Foundation – the discontinuity seems to be reduced to a simple dismantling of the measures in place. And a real ‘amnesty’ in the illusory attempt to relegate the pandemic to oblivion, in defiance of the recommendations of international public health authorities. »

Stopping the vaccination obligation

Compared to the end of the vaccination obligation for health personnel and the reinstatement of suspended no-vax health workers, from November 1, “the potential impact in terms of public health would be modest”, estimates Cartabellotta. “Both because the measure is only advanced by two months compared to the deadline, and because it concerns a small number of professionals. However, the impact in terms of public perception of this “amnesty” is quite different – notes Cartabellotta -. As well as relationships with the vast majority of colleagues who have been vaccinated to protect the health of patients and their own. Also in order to ensure continuity of service.”

Photo Ansa / Daniel Dal Zennaro

Covid, mask in the hospital?

In addition, according to the president of the Gimbe Foundation, the anti-Covid obligation to wear masks in hospitals and RSAs “should be made permanent, regardless of the current pandemic. And this in order to better protect the most vulnerable people from respiratory infections of any kind. Use of this device, as directed by international public health authorities, is recommended in all cluttered and/or poorly ventilated indoor environments.

“In addition, the idea of ​​removing the national obligation and then legitimately reintroducing it at the regional or individual level of the hospital and the RSA would generate disorientation among citizens. As well as challenges to the provisions adopted in individual health establishments and increased tensions with health personnel. It is no coincidence that the Head of State, Sergio Mattarella, spoke a few days ago on the question of the Covid. “We need caution, even if the worst is behind us,” declared the President of the Republic.

Handover of power between the outgoing Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, and the new Minister Orazio Schillaci, October 24, 2022. Photo Ansa

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