
Coin collectors at attention: Rare coins of unimaginable value are appearing!



An exceptional find that will drive collectors and numismatists crazy: untraceable coins that are worth a lot grow

Numismatics is one of the oldest but still very strong passions for many people. The desire to collect, find and search for ancient and valuable coins is indeed widespread in the world.

Rare coins like a treasure (PIxabay)

A type of collection that is always updated, both for the discovery of old coins that may have significant historical and economic value and for precious coins due to minting and production errors that make them unique and unavailable.

It is precisely the numismatic enthusiasts who must raise their antennas for the latest news from the Middle East. In these lands, very old precious coins have been found, gold coins that date back to a very distant time.

The 44 solid gold coins that drive collectors crazy: incalculable value

In recent days, some archaeologists and researchers have found a number of solid gold coins, precisely near Mount Hernon, in an area on the border between Israel, Lebanon and Syria.

The coins were found hidden in the wall of a very old building. A surprising and unexpected discovery that goes around the world, both for the historical value of the find and for the most passionate numismatists.

“This treasure dates back to an important transitional period in the history of the city of Banias and the entire Levant region,” said expert Eli Escusido, director of the Israel Antiquities Authority. The 44 ancient coins (web source)

The pieces found are 44 in number, their total weight is 170 grams. Numismatics expert Dr. Gabriela Bichovsky believes some of them represent the Byzantine Emperor Phocas. Others, however, are said to have been born during the reign of Heraclius, his successor, and represent the emperor of the East and his family.

But what makes the news is the current economic value of these coins. It is practically incalculable, given that they are unique pieces, all to be studied and analyzed calmly and with the right tools. It is impossible at the moment to understand how much this treasure is worth, but we are certainly talking about unimaginable figures, both for the historical importance and for the rarity of the coins themselves.

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