
Chambers, vice-presidents, quaestors and elected secretaries. Consulting tomorrow



Piazza del Quirinale (archives) – Photo by Ansa Foto

Elected vice-presidents, quaestors and secretaries of chambers, the consultations at the Quirinal with the president of the Senate will begin tomorrow morning at 10 a.m. and will end on Friday morning with the center-right delegation.

Members of the House

The vice-presidents of the Chamber of Deputies are Fabio Rampelli (FdI), Giorgio Mulè (FI), Anna Ascani (Pd) and Sergio Costa (M5S). The quaestors are Paolo Trancassini (FdI, principal quaestor), Alessandro Benvenuto (Lega) and Filippo Scerra (M5S). The secretaries are Fabrizio Cecchetti (Lega), Chiara Colosimo (FdI), Giovanni Donzelli (FdI), Riccardo Zucconi (FdI), Anna Patriarca (FI), Gilda Sportiello (M5S), Roberto Traversi (M5S) and Chiara Braga (Pd) .

Members of the Senate

The vice-presidents of the Senate are Gian Marco Centinaio (Lega), Maurizio Gasparri (FI), Anna Rossomando (Pd), Mariolina Castellone (M5S). The quaestors are Gaetano Nastri (FdI), Antonio De Poli (Noi Moderati) and Marco Meloni (Pd). The secretaries are Antonio Iannone (FdI), Erika Stefani (Lega), Marco Silvestroni (FI), Andrea Paganella (Lega), Gianpietro Maffoni (FdI), Pietro Lorefice (M5S), Marco Croatti (M5S) and Valeria Valente (Pd) .

The elections took place without the vote of the Third Pole and the Autonomies Group. Below is the Quirinal schedule published by the Press Office.

Thursday October 20

Tomorrow, Thursday October 20, the President Emeritus of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano will be heard by telephone by the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella.

10:00 a.m. Mattarella will hear Senate President Ignazio La Russa;

11:00 a.m. Mattarella will hear the President of the Chamber of Deputies Lorenzo Fontana;

12:00 Consultation with the parliamentary group For Autonomy (SVP-Patt, Campobase, Sud Chiama Nord) of the Senate;

12:30 p.m. Consultation with the mixed Senate group.

4:00 pm Consultation with the Joint Group of the Chamber of Deputies.

4:30 p.m. Mattarella will receive the representatives of the Green and Left Alliance component of the Mixed Group of the Chamber of Deputies.

5:00 p.m. Mattarella will receive the Action-Italia Viva parliamentary groups from the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies.

6:00 p.m. Consultation with the parliamentary groups of the 5-Star Movement of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies.

19:00 Consultation with the Democratic Party-Italy Democratic and Progressive parliamentary groups of the Senate of the Republic and the Chamber of Deputies.

friday october 20

Friday morning at 10:30 a.m.: consultation of the parliamentary groups Brothers of Italy of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, Lega Salvini First-Sardinian Action Party of the Chamber and of the Senate, of the parliamentary group Forza Italia Berlusconi President of the Senate and Forza Italia Berlusconi EPP – Speaker of the Chamber; Civici d’Italia-Noi Moderati (UDC, Courage Italy, Noi with Italy and Italy in the center) – MAIE of the Senate and the Chamber.

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