In 2013, in the middle of the 21st century, DreamWorks invested in an animation that took place in the Paleolithic – and it worked. Eight years...
Disney + has released a new official teaser for the upcoming and promising “WandaVision” series. Check-out: ✌️ Weeks until Marvel Studios #WandaVision starts streaming on #DisneyPlus....
CBS All Access has released the official promo for “That Hope Is You, Part 2”, the thirteenth and final episode of Season 3 of “Star Trek:...
Sony Pictures has released yet another behind-the-scenes image of the upcoming action comedy “The Toronto Man” starring Kevin Hart and Woody Harrelson. The photo brings together...
Sony Pictures recently released two official images from the sequel to “ Spider-Man in the Spider-Man ”, confirming the presence of a new character: the Japanese...
We were missing the Where are they column, that’s right. But don’t forget this column that you all love. And after that brief hiatus, nothing better...
In addition to exposing the true faces of some superheroes, the plot of “The Boys” also criticizes political corruption, greedy businessmen, extremist groups, and even celebrity...
It’s time to say goodbye to 2020 in the best possible way: with new episodes of “ The Dark World of Sabrina, ” the final eight...
Some things from the past go hand in hand with the present, like shadows that never go away. And Cobra Kai has taught us, in its...
Disney + has released two new “ WandaVision ” posters to tease fans about the puzzle the plot will be. The images feature several TV models...