“Spider Man: No Return Home,” the third installment in the hit Sony Pictures and Marvel trilogy, is hitting theaters around the world soon – but little information about the film has been revealed.
Although announced some time ago, the feature film only won an official title in June of this year – less than two months ago. Since then, fans have had a few glimpses of behind-the-scenes amateur photos and videos, trying to decipher the production narrative, but no information has been officially released.
It’s no surprise that many internet users are starting to wonder if “Spider-Man 3” could be postponed again, given a number of factors. The first of these was the appearance and disturbing expansion of the new COVID-19 variant, Delta, which forced films like “Clifford – The Red Dog Giant” and “The Legend of the Green” to reschedule. Knight ”.
As if that weren’t enough, there’s also the absence of the official trailer. According to The Direct, Sony released the first trailer for ‘Venom: Carnage Time’, another great title hitting theaters in 2021, on May 10, exactly 137 days before the September 24 release in the United States. ‘Hotel Transylvania: Transformonstrão’ also followed the same pattern, with a trailer released on May 17 and an official release slated for October 1.
The trailer for Marvel’s “Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings” was based on the same window and aired on April 19. The launch is scheduled for September 3.
Given this information, Marvel and Sony should have released the trailer for “Spider-Man 3” on August 2, that is, yesterday. According to the press consortium, it is possible that the companies have put aside that 137-day window, already imagining that they will have to postpone the film to a quieter time – and that does not have a very large potential loss.
Remember the premiere of “Spider-Man: No Return Home” on December 16, 2021.
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The film is expected to follow Peter Parker’s new battle after being publicly exposed by J. Jonah Jameson at the end of “Spider-Man: Away from Home”.
Amy Pascal will act as the producer of the sequel alongside Feige, representing Sony and Marvel respectively.
Watch our review of the previous film:
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