
California Governor’s Wife Accuses Harvey Weinstein: You Couldn’t Say No To Him



Harvey Weinstein’s name has once again made headlines as accusations of the director’s abuse of women during his professional career continue unabated. The victim who found the courage to report him has a very important husband.

The trial of former American film producer Harvey Weinstein still seems unable to find the word “end”, as the list of women abused by him over the years does not intend to dwindle.

Trial of Harvey Weinstein Solocine.it

Another woman has accused him of the same horrific and disgusting crime Weinstein committed thinking he was powerful and untouchable. The latest victim, defined as Jane Doe #4, has a first and last name and is also very well known.

Why is the nickname Jane Doe used?

John Doe and in its feminine version Jane Doe, is a means used in the jargon of American law to refer to an unknown subject whose true identity is either unknown or kept secret. When a child’s identity is obscure, the child is referred to as Baby Doe.

This appellation has a very old history, since it was first used during the time of Edward III of England to designate an unknown landowner in a legal dispute. From then on, this term spread both in America and in England. In Italy, the equivalents of John Doe are Tizio, Caio, Sempronio and Subject Ignoto.

Weinstein couldn’t say no… the terrible confession

A few hours after yet another hearing against Harvey Weinstein, the name of another victim appeared, who denounced him for rape. We are talking about the wife of the Governor of California, Jennifer Siebel Newsom. In tears, the woman told the judge that with a clever trick, the producer allegedly gave her a fake business meeting in his hotel room and that the violence took place there.

Jennifer Siebel Newsom vs. Weinstein Solocine.it

With these words, Jennifer Siebel Newsom accused Harvey Weinstein: “…he grabbed me and took me to bed. He raped me with this strange penis that looked like a fish…”. When asked by the lawyer why the woman hadn’t escaped, she herself confessed: “Why don’t you say no to Weinstein. It could make or break your career.”

Harvey Weinstein is currently sentenced to 23 years in prison, but the years could rise to 140 as the charges mount. Since the #MeeToo movement was activated in 2017, the names of the women who have accused it to date have been impressive and it (unfortunately) doesn’t seem to have any intention of stopping.

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