
“But how beautiful are you?” : Tanned Vanessa Incontrada therefore enchants the followers



Vanessa Incontrada enchants all her followers. In this way you haven’t seen it yet, the only affirmation that comes out spontaneously is: “But how beautiful are you, Vanessa?”. Faced with all the haters who criticize her.

Vanessa Incontrada has changed a lot over the years, her body after pregnancy is no longer like that of the beginning, but despite this she still remains a beautiful woman. Many criticize her and make scathing jokes, but most of her followers continue to follow her.

Vanessa Incontrada Solocine.it

It’s not easy for Vanessa Incontrada to keep smiling reading certain comments, but her beauty is also that, remaining herself and giving a damn about the peasants. How she came to be will leave you all speechless.

Vanessa Incontrada: mom again?

Vanessa Incontrada, the beautiful Spanish actress and presenter who has been naturalized Italian for years, engaged in a long conversation with Silvia Toffanin in the living room of the famous show Verissimo. To date, he seems to be single again, as the long love affair with his historical partner, Rossano Laurini, seems to have come to an end. Apart from living with him, she also shared a beautiful child, Isal. Vanessa said she was ready to become a mother for the second time, no one knows with whom, no one knows if peace has settled between her and Rossano. He says nothing but these words:

“I gave myself time. Also because I’m not thirty anymore. I would love to relive a motherhood. I see it when I see my friends’ children, I really want to relive everything I went through with Isal”.

The smile is the most beautiful accessory

Vanessa Incontrada so beautiful and radiant that you have never seen her. This is why this new shot has delighted all his Instagram subscribers. Famous for her natural selfies, Vanessa manages to surprise everyone even in this role, showing as always her most beautiful accessory, the smile. You don’t need diamonds, heavy makeup and fancy accessories, when you’re happy you just need a camera.

Vanessa Incontrada responds again to all the haters who criticized her as usual. The jokes Vanessa has to endure are really heavy, but she doesn’t care, so she posts another photo that encourages body positivity. La Incontrada has nothing to envy to its colleagues in size 38, it is beautiful, kind and intelligent, everything else does not count.

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