In the supernatural thriller “The Unhealer”, a young man gains powers and any physical damage his body suffers is automatically transferred to his attackers. In search of revenge, the young man uses his ability to punish others.
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The feature film is directed by Martin Guigui.
Kelly has a compulsive eating disorder that leaves him in bed. Doctors can’t help you. When Kelly’s mother sees a healer performing a miracle, she hires him to help her son. The healing ritual ends in disaster, but it works and, more surprisingly, Kelly gains supernatural powers; any pain inflicted on him is felt by the abuser. Soon, Kelly begins a journey of revenge against her attackers. When his powers get out of hand, no one around Kelly is safe, not even the girl he loves.
The cast includes Lance Henriksen, Elijah Nelson, Natasha Henstridge and Adam Beach.
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In the USA, the suspense will be broadcast by Shout! Studios on DVD May 18.
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