
Bonus Transport 2022, what changes for consumers? The news is official



Bonus Transport 2022, what changes for consumers? The news is official: this time too there is the possibility for many Italians

There are several economic measures inherited from the Meloni government, economic support to lend a hand to Italian families in crisis. And among these also the Transport Bonus 2022 which does not seem aware of a crisis because at least for the moment there are funds to finance it.

2022 transport bonus, what changes for consumers (ANSA)

This is why from 1 November it is again possible to submit applications for financial support intended to reduce the expenses of students and commuters in the form of a voucher to be used for the purchase of subscriptions. They are intended for local, regional and interregional public transport services but also for national rail transport.

The contribution, of a maximum value of 60 euros, can be used for 30 days exclusively for the purchase of a new season ticket for local and national public transport. We remind you that the bonus is recognized exclusively to people who in 2021 have earned a total income not exceeding 35 thousand euros.

Prime transport 2022, what changes for consumers: all the criteria for the application

The 2022 transport bonus application must be submitted exclusively through the web platform of the Ministry of Labor (at bonustrasporti.lavoro.gov.it). And access is only allowed with SPID or with CIE, i.e. the electronic identity card. On the other hand, it is not necessary to produce the ISEE but it is enough to self-certify the income to prove that you are eligible for the benefit.

At the end of the application you will get a code or a QR code to present at the ticket office or online at the time of purchase which must be spent in the month of issue. And the value is equal to 100% of the expenditure to be incurred for the purchase of the subscription on December 31, 2022, with a maximum amount of 60 euros. If the applicant does not know the exact cost of the subscription, he can still request the Bonus with a maximum value of 60 euros. It will be up to the manager to deduct the portion corresponding to the value of the subscription.

It is also possible to cancel a premium already issued if the applicant requests another issue during the same calendar month. Simply go to your section on the Bonus Trasporti portal and enter the “View Voucher” section voiding the voucher by pressing the trash can icon. Transport allowance 2022, how to apply (ANSA)

Will it be possible to reapply from December? Yes, as long as the funds allocated by the government are not exhausted.

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