
Bomba Fiorello, Rai has finally decided: it’s official



Bomba Fiorello, Rai has finally decided: it’s official. The host is ready to face a new experience on TV

After the many successes obtained on state television, Fiorello is now starting again from “Viva Rai 2”. A choice that makes him happy, by his own admission. The program will start on November 7

Fiorello (AnsaFoto)

We have seen him as the protagonist of Rai at the Sanremo Festival, as the protagonist and shoulder of Amadeus in recent years. Fiorello still has a thousand resources and is now preparing his big comeback on television. Its new program will be called “Viva Rai 2”, and was announced by CEO Carlo Fuortes during the company’s board meeting this morning.

Beyond the many controversies arising from the move of the talented presenter to the second state television network, the person concerned is very happy with the new project. It will start next November 7 on RaiPlay and from December 5 on Rai 2. There will be 135 episodes and will last until June.

As the Rai press release reports, the Fiorello program is scheduled in the morning between 7 a.m. and 8:30 a.m., the precise location yet to be determined. Beyond RaiPlay, the program can be listened to on RayPlaySound and Rai Radio All Italian. In addition, during the weekend, on Radio 2, the best of the week will be broadcast.

Bomba Fiorello, Rai has finally decided: it will be “moved” to Rai 2 with its new program

Fiorello moves to Rai 2 (AnsaFoto)

Fiorello wanted to express his satisfaction with the new project.

“I thank Rai, especially CEO Carlo Fuortes and Stefano Coletta, for giving me the opportunity to come back to Rai and do it on Rai 2,” the Sicilian conductor told Ansa.

“It’s a choice that makes me happy, I love the first times, even if it’s actually a comeback. In 1992 I made Il nuovo Cantagiro and today, after a long tour of 30 years, I arrive early in the morning from Rai 2 with a project that is close to my heart, and which, as it was the case with Viva Radio 2 and Viva RaiPlay , has this joyful flavor of a new beginning. Finally, I thank the journalists of Tg1 for the words of esteem towards me, contained in the letter published yesterday, and I wish them to find the answers and the solutions to work at best”.

For their part, the protagonists of Striscia la Notizia wanted to address the issue of the controversy surrounding the downgrading of Fiorello on Rai 2. For some time there has been talk of the Mediaset court of Fiorello, if he is tired of staying on television public.

In the “Rai Scoglio 24” section, in the spezio dedicated to Rai waste, Pinuccio dealt with the Fiorello affair. The editorial syndicate of Tg1 protested against the decision to put the show hosted by Rosario Fiorello in place of Tg1 Mattina directed by Monica Maggioni. According to them, information cannot be replaced by satire, especially if it involves a significant economic expense in a time of crisis like this.

Pinuccio launched a provocation: “Fiorello if you want to come to the ‘Rai Scoglio 24’, but hurry up because there are no more places”.

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