Consultations for the appointment of the next head of government will be held on Thursday, October 20. The President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, first summoned, as usual, the presidents of the two branches of Parliament. At 10 Ignazio La Russa and 11 Lorenzo Fontana.
At 10:30 a.m. on Friday, the Center-Right groups will go up together with the Quirinal for the Mattarella consultations for the formation of the Government. “The groups of Brothers of Italy, Lega Salvini Premier – Sardinian Action Party, Forza Italia Berlusconi President, the parliamentary group Civici d’Italia – Noi Moderati (UDC – Courage Italy – We with Italy – Italy in center) – MAIE of the Senate of the Republic.
Photo Ansa / Fabio Frustaci
It will take some time for consultations, shortly before the assignment of the mission to Mattarella. The president will most likely hand it over to Giorgia Meloni, leader of Fratelli d’Italia, the party that won the elections on 25th September last. And it was from the first in pectore that a warning that looked like an ultimatum arrived on the evening of October 19. Italy will never be “the weak link of the West”. And the government led by Giorgia Meloni will be resolutely Atlanticist. Or it won’t. Remarks contained in an official note following the remarks of Silvio Berlusconi in front of the parliamentarians of Forza Italia reported in the audio “stolen” by an anonymous force fighter and broadcast exclusively by La Presse.
Consultations, Meloni prepares
The rules of engagement must be clear, the position in foreign policy “unequivocal”, according to Giorgia Meloni. And the goal is to give answers to citizens by following the “program”. All this if on Friday October 21, according to the most probable scenario, Sergio Mattarella after a day and a half of consultations will give you the job. “I have been, I am and I will always be clear on one thing – notes the leader of the FdI – I intend to lead a government with a clear and unequivocal line of foreign policy. Italy is a full part, with its head held high, of Europe and of the Atlantic Alliance. Anyone who does not agree with this cornerstone will not be able to enter the government, at the cost of not being a government”.
Sergio Mattarella. Photo Ansa / Quirinale Paolo Giandotti
Silvio Berlusconi’s ultra-Putinian remarks still resonate in the halls of Montecitorio in another audio recorded during yesterday’s meeting. Words that continue to arouse reactions halfway between astonishment and annoyance in the house of the Brothers of Italy. Contacts between the two do not occur. Meloni, according to her parents, remained working all day, away from notebooks and cameras and also from the questions about the team which are becoming more and more insistent among the allies. Also because one of the fixed points of the scheme he has in mind, that of Antonio Tajani in Foreign Affairs, comes into the crosshairs of the opposition and begins to arouse some doubts even in the ranks of the centre-right.
Berlusconi surrounded by journalists. Photo Ansa / Maurizio Brambatti