Actress Barbara Shelley, known as the “British Horror Queen” through classic Hammer Studios productions, has died aged 88.
Born on February 13, 1932 in the United Kingdom, the artist began her career in the horror genre with the film ‘Cat Girl’, in a performance that saw her take on the most important roles in ‘The Camp on Blood Island’ (1958) , ‘Vampire Blood’ (1958), ‘The Village of the Damned’ (1960), ‘The Shadow of the Cat’ (1961) and ‘The Gorgon’ (1964).
His credits also include “ The Secret of the Island of Blood ” (1965), “ Dracula: The Prince of Darkness ” (1966), “ Rasputin: The Mad Monk ” (1966) and “ A Grave in Eternity ” (1967), among many others.
During her time with Hammer Studios, Shelley said, “When I first started working with Hammer, all classic actors looked down on horror movies. It was amazing for me to work with Hammer and to be recognized. No one remembers the other films I have participated in. I am grateful to horror movies because they have built a fan base for me and I am very touched when people ask for my autograph.
Thomas Bowington, the actress’ agent, said in a statement: “She was truly the main star of Hammer and the Technicolor Queen.”