
Autumn between climate and politics



The whole month of October kicked off a sui generis autumn compared to what we were used to until today. Widespread coverage of good weather and consequent and unexpected energy savings on the one hand, but which strongly reminds us of the need for action to combat climate change.

A very hot month of October from the weather point of view. For the city of Milan, for example, you have to go back to 1897 to find an average temperature of nearly 20 degrees for commemorations of the dead. They exceed the cities of the South and the seaside resorts: in Rimini one still bathes, as in Sicily, in Puglia and in Sardinia. Rome and Naples are overrun with tourists in full summer outfits, like the art cities of the Belpaese. We have lunch and dinner quietly outside. The desire to be outside continues and we cannot hide the two to attribute to the long post Covid that we are still living, because even on this front the “war” is not really over.

The cover of VelvetMAG: dedicated to this “dreamy autumn”

That’s why I asked one of the photographers who often lends his lens and his vision to the covers that tell VelvetMAG, Antonio Martello, to look for a shot (top left, editor’s note), a moment that would show this end October this fall it is not. No shades of yellow, orange and, even less, brown. Everything is green and luxuriant in the flora, as in the fauna which reigns in this summer regurgitation with the appearance of spring. And that allows us to live a little dreamy and out of time like in this splendid view of Villa Ada in Rome.

Photo credits Cover VelvetMAG @Antonio Martello A reversal obviously due to global warming, which allowed us a considerable delay in the start-up of heating systems and therefore energy savings, on the one hand. On the other, a “dreamy” parenthesis, to recall what Søren Kierkegaard maintained in terms of the seasons: “I much prefer autumn to spring, because in autumn we look at the sky. In the spring the earth”.

Autumn in domestic politics: Meloni uber alles

The political elections of last September 25 gave an absolute political triumph: the honorable Giorgia Meloni. First female Prime Minister in the history of Italy. A title of absolute “pride”, which it would be a shame to spoil for the benefit of those who will come after her. Not obscured even by the confused succession of notes from Palazzo Chigi: there is still time to settle, but now, as President of the Council, it is urgent to turn to full institutional communication and detachment from the tones of propaganda of party, and of the permanent electoral campaign; hopefully from him and the whole majority.


As honorable and president, he has so far dodged the traps set by consummate politicians, such as friendly fire, showing off his skills as a “bread and politics raised animal” in the suburbs (but now he is at the center of Italian power, which is more central than you can get, right to the heart of Europe). As recognized by both Gianfranco Fini, who chose her as secretary of the Youth Front, and Massimo D’Alema, the symbol par excellence of the ascent to the traditional parties. In addition to the country, Giorgia Meloni governs precisely that: a party with a traditional organization, rooted in the territory and with an identity that cannot be shared (even Fini himself warned her of the rights), but which is clear and sovereign. And all the others – including the 5 Star Movement – lost, committed to chasing consensus, polls and an electorate that numerically appears crystallized from one election to the next.

From the world: the war in Ukraine and the return of Lula

While the war in Ukraine continues to retain the traits that we have sadly come to know: Russia is losing on the ground – with an intolerable number of casualties for any democracy – the Ukrainians led by Zelensky continue to resist, thanks to the Help sent arms and media from across the Atlanticist West. Position reaffirmed by the new Prime Minister Meloni in his investiture speech, but which finds more and more distinction among all the allies, historically pro-Putinians. From the world comes the news of the return of Lula, narrowly re-elected at the head of his Brazil, after the judicial cancellation of the accusations of corruption. But it is especially England which holds the place in the old continent.

The Autumn Roar of Old England

The new reign of His Majesty Charles III, ready to mark the second month of duration – without fault on his part it must be said – marks a record of instability: Liz Truss led the shortest government in British history . It is remembered that this was the last public act performed by Her Majesty Elizabeth II before her condition worsened and she died on September 8.

From left to right: Lula (@ANSA-EPA / Sebastiao Moreira); Sunak (@ANSA – UK PARLIAMENTARY RECORDING UNIT) and Carlo III (@ANSA – EPA / JON ROWLEY)

The new British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, the first in history of Indian origin and Hindu religious denomination, endowed with a family heritage (he and his wife, heiress and entrepreneur) amounts to 800 million euros, or double that of the sovereign. Aged 42, semi-unknown, he climbed the English Conservative Party, the majority in Westminster. “We are in a serious crisis, we need hard choices” – he announced in his first speech in front of 10 Downing Street. So serious that he even gave up on Cop27, when climate change had been a very dear theme at the House of Windsor since the time of Prince Philip, strongly supported by King Charles and Prince of Wales William. Because of the environment and the future, not only this fall, we will have to talk again so as not to always be taken by surprise when, as Oscar Wilde said, “all of a sudden, summer turns in autumn”.

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