
attention, here in which brand



Honey is one of the foods that are always present in the pantry of Italians. Thanks to its sweet taste and easy-to-use texture, it is considered very versatile and therefore widely used both to enrich many desserts but also to sweeten drinks, preferably hot so that the heat can better melt it and impart a sweet flavor. to drink. But this food has not always been well regarded by consumers, in fact it has only seen an increase in sales in the last six months of 2021.

Soon, this increase was abruptly interrupted by the thousands of reports that the various competent bodies, both state and regional, received from regular consumers of honey. Many did not expose the cause at the first unpleasant event, because it was considered a case: but, once the unacceptable presented itself several times, they decided to make the alarm public.

Let’s see together what it is. Many have seen that many well-known brands of honey disappeared from supermarket shelves: this happened because the Ministry of Health ordered the removal of batches contaminated with worms. Especially in recent weeks, these had become really numerous, says the manager of a well-known supermarket chain. Indeed, consumers who had to deal with this situation first turned to the supermarket where they purchased the product.

Consumers were immediately defended by the reference associations: they exposed the problem to the media. This has certainly led to great mistrust on the part of consumers who, if they previously only bought a certain brand of honey, now find its name on the so-called “honey blacklist”. in fact, there are so many honey companies that consumer associations have included in the brands in which these worms have been detected.

The associations, to take shelter and minimize the negative effects, immediately gave their answer. They defended themselves by stating that these are mostly organic products on which it is not possible to use pesticides. Therefore, if a worm or larva lands on the product during the production line, it is impossible for it to be killed. They go on to say that this should make us breathe a sigh of relief, as it indicates that no harmful products are being added to humans.

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