
Albums and curiosities of Sissi Amici’s songs: exclusive interview



Dynamic, soft and gritty, when claws need to be sharpened. Sissi has become one of the protagonists of the new contemporary urban pop music scene. Her passion for music has always accompanied her in her life journey, but certainly the experience at Amici has given her the opportunity to increase her popularity to obtain important rewards.

We met Sissi during the experience at Amici 21. The singer, with her soft but at the same time biting tone, did not go unnoticed right away. Since leaving the talent show of Canale 5, the young artist has released new singles as well as the first album of her career, Leggera, obtaining important awards and also participating in some live shows.

But now Sissi wants to turn the page and recognizes herself as a woman and an artist more aware of her abilities. In fact, with the last single, Sottovoce, he manages to concretize this evolution. A girl still very young, but already with many projects on the launching pad, which she will surely be able to concretize over time. We, at VelvetMAG, wanted to meet her to talk about her great passion, between present and future, without forgetting her origins.

Sissi tells VelvetMAG from its origins to future projects

Do we start with your first encounter with music? When did you realize that was your cornerstone?
I understood this since I was a child, when I tried to imitate everything my parents listened to at home, like jazz and soul. Growing up, I needed to express myself in my own way, always giving thanks for what I had learned just by listening.

The experience at Amici was certainly essential in defining Sissi’s musical style. How would you describe it? Is there an influence that has helped you define your gender?

Amici was a very important experience, but I must say that my musical style is taking shape much more now. I am aware that the path to Amici helped me to be who I am as a person and then to define my musical style with time and experience. For now I would describe my music as a contamination between Pop and RnB, I’m very inspired by Frank Ocean and Sza.

You also claim participation in X Factor and then Sanremo Giovani before Amici. What did each experience leave you with?

These experiences left me with the desire to continue, not to give up and to look at my work without giving too much weight to the judgment of others.

Courtesy of the press office

After the talent contest came the debut album, Leggera, which won major first prizes. Are you satisfied with what you managed to convey to the public? What emotions did you feel instead?
I am very happy to have enclosed in Leggera two different periods of my life, and therefore my two musical sides the most acoustic is the most pop, I am happy that people have appreciated it and that they have been able to recognize each other in my stories.

This summer you have also been the protagonist of important musical reviews, such as Tim Summer Hits. What was it like being there with some of the most important names in the new Italian music scene?
For me it was a dream, sometimes I still don’t think I deserve to participate in these events, but I’m so happy to be able to bring my music even in contexts that put me to the test.

Your latest single, Sottovoce, symbolizes Sissi’s journey towards artistic maturity. Do you want to tell us more about this new song?

Under my breath marks my new awareness, that of admitting my mistakes and moving forward without shame.

Courtesy of the press office

After the release of the new song, you announced two new concert dates. What do you want to convey to your audience? Can’t wait to get back on stage?
I love singing live and I can’t wait to see all these amazing people who have always followed me, hearing their voices sing in unison is exciting. I would like to have a moment of leisure, where you can be whatever you want.

Let’s talk about the future now. What do you expect from your career?

I would like to be able to involve as many musicians as possible in my project and to be able to bring my music all over the world.

Are you going to have any other surprises in store for us before the end of the year? What are “Sissi’s” plans for the future?
There will surely be surprises but… no spoilers! In the future, I would like to be really proud of what I do, to learn a lot and to give all my energy to the people who have always understood me.

Courtesy of the press office

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