
Advance Men and Women, Tina Cipollari has decided: the columnist is leaving



A new episode of Men and Women will air in a few minutes: all the previews and the decision of Tina Cipollari

A new episode of the Canale 5 dating show will start soon, featuring tronistes, suitors and the grand parterre of dames and chevaliers. A central role will be played by Tina Cipollari who made an irreversible decision

Tina Cipollari (Instagram photo)

Tina Cipollari is always very determined in her choices and nothing is ever done to go back when she gets some kind of fixation. This year, it’s Federica Aversano – with whom she had the opportunity to confront last year in the role of Matteo Ranieri’s suitor – who in the role of tronista has become the bread for the teeth of the blond columnist and colleague by Gianni Sperti.

In today’s episode, to keep faith in her consistency, Tina Cipollari will continue to chat animatedly with the exhausted tronista, as usual. From that moment, the columnist of Men and Women decided that, whenever Federica Aversano was involved, she would leave the studio. Maria De Filippi will raise her hand in front of the decision of the columnist being herself tired of the incessant debates.

Anticipations Men and Women, again the protagonists of Ida and Riccardo

Men and Women, many comparisons by Ida Platano and Riccardo Guarnieri (photo © Mediaset).

Today, Ida Platano and Riccardo Guarnieri will once again find themselves in the center of the studio. In particular, the lady asked her ex to write her a note in which she confessed that she was still in love with her, but the knight immediately returned the request to the sender and will come back to point the finger at her. An endless discussion will engage and Alessandro Vicinanza, another ex of the lady, will also find himself in the center. Maria De Filippi will intervene to restore order in the workshop once Riccardo has decided to leave the floor.

Returning to the Classic Throne, however, after Lavinia struggled against Alessio and the underdog, Maria De Filippi would decide to eclipse the tronista and make room for her colleagues. A new episode will begin at 2:45 p.m., the penultimate of this week, with many more ups and downs.

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