The beloved novel “A Matter of Time”, starring Rachel McAdams and Domhnall Gleeson, will soon be pulled from Netflix. Production will exit the schedule on November 16.
In the plot, at age 21, Tim (Domhnall Gleeson) is surprised by the news from his father (Bill Nighy) that he belongs to a line of time travelers. In other words, all the men in the family can travel to the past, just go to a dark place and think about the time and place you want to go. Skeptical at first, Tim is quickly delighted with the gift when he sees that his father isn’t lying. His first decision is to use this ability to have a girlfriend, but he soon realizes that time traveling and changing what has already happened can have unintended consequences.
Richard Curtis signs the direction and the screenplay of the film.
Bill Nighy, Lydia Wilson, Margot Robbie and Tom Hollander round out the cast.