Directed by Alexandre Moratto and played by Christian Malheiros and Rodrigo Santoro, Netflix’s new national film, 7 Prisoners, will premiere on September 6 at the 78th Venice Film Festival. The film has been selected to participate in the Festival in the competitive Orizzonti Extra category, which brings together works of different genres, audiences and durations.
After the world premiere at the festival, 7 Prisoners will officially debut in 2021 on Netflix.
In the plot, young Mateus (Malheiros) leaves the countryside in search of a job opportunity at a São Paulo junkyard run by Luca (Santoro). Once there, he ends up falling victim to a slavery-like system of work.
Production is by Ramin Bahrani (Oscar nominated director for The White Tiger, also from Netflix) and Fernando Meirelles (Oscar nominated for Cidade de Deus), for O2 Filmes, and the screenplay is signed by Thayná Mantesso and director Alexandre Moratto. Known for his work in Sócrates (2018, winner of the Spirit Awards), it is the second feature film by the Brazilian-American filmmaker.
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