
5 Things to Know for The Best Office Building Remote Video Monitoring



To ensure the safety of their assets and employees in a world filled with increasing security challenges, business owners must keep up. Remote video monitoring has emerged as an essential tool for office building security.

In this guest post, we will discuss five important aspects to consider when implementing the best remote video monitoring in your office building.

  1. The Unparalleled Advantages of Remote Video Monitoring

It is not only important to keep an eye on your office building; it is also important to be smart and efficient in protecting your premises. Remote video surveillance offers a number of compelling advantages that make it a game changer in office building security.

Here they are:

Always Watching: Remote video monitoring services ensure 24/7 surveillance. Even during off-hours, holidays or in adverse conditions, rest assured that your office building is being monitored. The use of advanced analytics and technologies on your cameras, for example, ensures maximum perimeter detection even in snowstorms, heavy rains, and smog.

Cost-Cutting: Save substantially on security expenses. Remote video monitoring diminishes the need for a large on-premises security team, as a lean team can now monitor multiple sites simultaneously.

Swift Actions: Improved response time is another key advantage. The moment any suspicious activity is detected, security personnel can take immediate action, preventing or mitigating any damage.

Criminal Deterrence: The mere presence of a monitoring system can often deter criminals from committing crimes such as break-ins or vandalism.

Evidence at Hand: In the event of an incident, high-quality video footage can serve as irrefutable evidence, assisting law enforcement agencies in identifying and prosecuting the perpetrators.

  • Essential Features for A Cutting-Edge Monitoring System

An effective remote video monitoring system should have a set of core features.

The following are the most important for office building security:

Crystal Clear Video: Foremost, impeccable video quality is essential. The system should capture sharp images, which is crucial for identifying any potential security threats.

Uninterrupted Monitoring: The system must be operational 24 hours a day, seven days a week to ensure timely detection of any security incidents.

Access from Afar: Authorized personnel should be able to access live feeds anytime, anywhere with an Internet connection, through a secure login.

Alerts in Real-Time: Immediate alerts should be sent out in the event of suspicious activities or security breaches.

Integration Ability: The system should be able to seamlessly integrate with other security apparatus like access control systems and alarm systems.

Future-Proof Scalability: The system should be scalable, accommodating additional cameras and providing centralized control to meet your growing needs.

Value for Money: The system should not just be effective but also cost-effective, without any compromise on quality.

  • Tips for Selecting the Right System

Selecting the ideal monitoring system for your office building is critical.

Here are a few pointers:

Adequate Coverage: Consider the size of your premises. Ensure that the system can adequately cover all key areas.

Impeccable Image Quality: Opt for a system that offers high-resolution images.

Ample Storage: Verify that the system has enough storage to archive footage for the desired length of time.

Integration Capabilities: If you have other security systems, select a system that can integrate with them.

Reliable Customer Support: Look for companies that provide excellent customer service around the clock.

  • Strategically Placing Cameras for Optimal Security

Setting up a remote video monitoring system requires strategically placing cameras in the most critical areas within and around the office building. Proper camera placement not only ensures comprehensive coverage but also increases the effectiveness of surveillance.

Here are several places to consider:

Entrances and Exits: Place cameras at all main entrances and exits, including emergency exits. This helps monitor everyone coming in or going out and is also useful for access control.

Reception Area: The reception area or lobby serves as the entrance to your office. It is critical to keep an eye on this area because it is where visitors are usually screened. This also aids in monitoring any suspicious activity at the point of entry.

Hallways and Corridors: Monitoring hallways and corridors can help in keeping track of movements within the office. This is crucial, especially during non-working hours, to detect any unauthorized presence.

Parking Lots: Secure parking areas are essential for the safety of employees and visitors. Cameras here can deter car thefts and vandalism.

Stairwells and Elevators: These are potential hiding spots and transit points for intruders. Cameras here can eliminate blind spots.

Server Rooms and Vaults: Place cameras outside the entrances to server rooms, vaults, or any other rooms containing sensitive material to protect your private data and valuables.

Common Areas: Monitor common areas such as break rooms and cafeterias where employees gather. Though the goal here is not only security, it also aids in general monitoring and, on occasion, conflict resolution.

Perimeter of the Building: It’s important to monitor the immediate perimeter of the building to detect any suspicious activity or individuals before they even attempt to enter the premises.

Remember that when installing cameras, it is critical to respect employees’ privacy and adhere to legal surveillance regulations. Strategically placed cameras combined with an effective remote video monitoring system can help you build a strong security framework for your office building.

  • Implementing the Monitoring System: Best Practices

Having chosen your remote video monitoring system, it’s time to implement it.

Here are some of the best practices to do so:

Set Clear Goals: Know what you wish to achieve through the monitoring system. Clear objectives help in choosing the right features.

Educate Your Staff: Train the staff on how to effectively use and manage the system.

Configure Alerts: Set up notifications for prompt detection and response to security incidents.

Schedule Maintenance Check-ups: Periodic checks and maintenance ensure that your system operates at peak efficiency.

Data and Privacy Safeguarding: Ensure compliance with data protection laws and restrict access to authorized individuals.

Finally, remote video monitoring is a priceless asset for modern office buildings. You can improve the security of your office building with remote video surveillance by understanding the benefits, choosing essential features, selecting the right system, strategically placing the security cameras on your premises, and implementing best practises. Protect your assets and give yourself and your employees peace of mind.

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