Mario Draghi – Picture by Ansa Foto
“What have I learned during these twenty months? Too many things. It was an incredible experience that I am very happy about. It ends in a very satisfactory way, with a good awareness of the work done, which is the most important thing”. It is with these words that the outgoing Prime Minister Mario Draghi greeted the journalists at Palazzo Chigi, during his last conference Press.
The Prime Minister thanked the journalists: “I send you my sincere thanks. In these twenty months, between pandemic and energy crisis, you have rendered an extraordinary service to citizens, helping them to follow and understand what is happening in the Palace often perceived as mysterious. An extraordinary service also for Italian democracy. You, the free press, have received from me, as Prime Minister, the respect due to a free press, answering your questions best, with the utmost sincerity and clarity. It should always be done and it is a sign of deep respect for the press. Your service to democracy remains fundamental”.
The last Council of Ministers of the Draghi government will be held in the afternoon. On the table there will be the expiring measures. A note to the Chambers is also planned for the day to replace the usual communications from the President of the Council on the next European Council.
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