Throughout the ‘007’ franchise, protagonist James Bond has been played by Sean Connery, George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig.
But which one is the public’s favorite?
According to a poll published by Radio Times, Connery was chosen by the public, with 56% of the votes among 14,000 respondents online.
The search was divided into several rounds, which pitted the actor against the actor for the audience to choose the winner.
In the end, Dalton finished in 2nd place, with a respectable 32%, while Brosnan came in 3rd, with 23%.
Daniel Craig took 4th place, followed by Moore and Lazenby.
So, do you agree with the classification?
Universal Pictures Brasil released today (10) a new national poster for the upcoming ‘007 – No Time to Die’, indicating the October 2021 premiere in theaters.
Enjoy watching:
It should be remembered that the feature film, which marks the farewell of star Daniel Craig of the character, still runs the risk of being sold to streaming rather than being shown on the big screens.
In the plot, the British secret agent leads a peaceful life in Jamaica, after leaving active service. However, your peace is over, as you are given a new mission.